Français Langue Etrangere

L'école         La Bouquinerie        Le Théatre

Have you had enough of not being able to express yourself fully when visiting your closest foreign neighbour?
Do you get frustrated when unable to understand a menu or simply order a coffee during your French holidays?
Are you entirely sure your French supplier is telling you everything you need to know about the product you are buying from them?

Then it may be time to seek help, and at Franglais, moi? this is exactly what we are here for!

Whether you just wish to learn enough to ‘get by’ during your next week-end away, would like to develop your Conversational French in order to make these holidays in France a little more enjoyable, or want to learn french in an organised manner and pass the relevant grades, then we will have a course to suit your needs. 

Or perhaps you wish to develop your business on the other side of the Channel and need to be able to negotiate or write documentation and emails in French.

Whatever your needs, contact us today to see how we can help. 

As well as being fully bi-lingual, we also have 20+ years international experience in various industry sectors from Electronics to Sheet metal processing and Power generation. So technical terminology is second nature.

We offer small group or one-to-one lessons to individuals and businesses, at home or in your company premises. Please contact us today for more details.

We also provide extra-curricular lessons for your children with an interest in improving their French skills.

You will be taught by a native French teacher.
Est-ce que vous me comprenez?*
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Call us today: +44(0)7708 362 408